When puppies are available: Puppies start at $2,500 for qualified buyers. Due to the high volume of inquires concerning females, the issues of availablity must be clarified. |
The "Adronicus" has taken many years to create and accompanying that is a sizeable financial investment in this rare breed. Because strict controls on breeding are essential to ensure the continued unparalleled quality of the Adronicus, females are not generally available at all, but may be negotiated for qualified buyers at 57cary@gmail.com (To reserve a puppy a $1,000 non-refundable deposit is required.) *ALL shipping costs paid by buyer.
For further information, please visit our Contact Page. |
The Adronicus Mastiff is a Hybrid, a whole new kind of canine species. Hybrid = an offspring produced of different strains, breeds of species.
Because no other canine in the world is bred like them, so it stands to reason no other canine is like them! It is not a dog but an ADRONICUS!!!